
Saturday, 8 November 2014

FNWF .... completed today

Well I promised I would show you my completed stockings and here they are.....

I have 2 advent calendars to match but didn't quite get them finished today.... maybe tomorrow. Have you seen what everyone else was up to? Check them out here.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Wow ..... where did that month go????

I hadn't realised it's nearly a month since I last blogged..... No excuses just didn't feel up to it but here I am ready to go again.

So what have I been doing?? On the health front I've changed meds again!!! but I think these are having a positive effect. Friends tell me I'm looking better so I must be. I'm on some really heavy duty meds for sleep and they work (most nights anyway).

But more importantly on the craft front our little craft business is slowly taking shape. 

We've booked into a couple of markets (I must be a little better or I wouldn't be going). We've been making, making and more making. We went to a craft camp last weekend and thought we were going to get ahead .... we made 18 Christmas fabric baskets and 20 table runners and the other crafter's loved them - 16 baskets and 5 table runners sold plus an order for 6 more baskets. We had to go and buy more wadding and fabric on Monday to make more lol. 

So today for FNWF I've made baskets for the order and tonight I'm cutting out some Christmas Stockings (I'll share them tomorrow when they're finished).

Well best get back to it - hope you're all having a productive evening too ....